
Papier Mache Print Edition 04 - Love Mae Interview

Papier Mache Print Edition 04.

Could our love get any deeper for such an incredible magazine. Apparently when you interview us it can!!! 

If you haven't already purchased a copy of this magazine, I seriously think you get a move on and do so. Never has print been so enthralling, inspiring and truly delicious ... and don't be fooled, this magazine is not just for children. Buy Papier Mache here

It starts like this........

"The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in" W.H.Anden - Poet

Upon arriving into the Land of Love Mae I am reminded of this... Greeted by the happy smiles of creators PETA O'NEILL and EMILY CHAMBERLAIN, surrounded by Bohemian Treehouses... Unicorn - like horses rambling in teh fields.. Peta's laughing WILD gypsy daughters LULU and MEILA.. we swam in the Local creek - jumped on Beds dressed in TUTUS and silly hats. Laughed and drank yummy tea.. seems the Happy folk at LOVE MAE are certainly living their very own Fairy Tale and what a pleasure it was to be a part of iteven if it was just for ONE DAY. 

(Photography by ALICE ELLIOTT-PIMM .. and all shots were taken with film)

You launched Love Mae back in 2008…
Tell us a little about how it all begin.
It was really a chance meeting of three people... Emily, Bec and Peta. Three very unsuspecting people. The initial inspiration was to work for oneself but the thought of designing things we love down to the last detail was the absolute dream. Lucky because working for yourself is such a silly dream given the reality. Em and Bec were finishing design college and I  loved their work and approached them to see if they were up for a blind ride. Thank goodness they were!!

What inspired you to start designing decals?
Funnily enough we initially started designing wall paper, cushions and lampshades. However, we had no start up so we couldn't invest in the minimum qty's necessary. We switched our thoughts to decals using the patterns we had designed. We found adhesive fabric before it hit the market and got our work out there so quickly. The thought of a brand new amazing product had us crazy happy. In the beginning months we used to sell an order on Etsy and use the money of the sale to get the print done. Literally we had no other way of funding our product. 

We’d love to know which of your products you the most fond of and why?
Emily: I love the Dress Up Doll (the detail is her outfits is incredible. And secretly the single bed sheets are divine (he he I still sleep in a single bed so I get to use them).
Peta: I always have secret favourites that change constantly usually inspired by a moment of intimacy ... at the moment I love the Faraway Circus. I just put it up in my girls room and the detail is really fantastic. I think I could run away with the tattoo'd lady... ooh those pink finger curls. Lovely. The Camper is another fav. I love it when my girls use them on sleep overs and camping. 

Describe your design style in 5 words.
Sweet, pretty, edgy, quirky and practical. I know practical can be a little bit boring, but ours is not your regular practical. 

Do you draw on your childhood memories when designing your collections?
Emily: Definitely. The dress up dolls in our range is a classic example. My favourite memory as a child is playing with my paper dress up dolls at my grandmothers house. 
Peta: Yes my childhood plays a huge roll. Sometimes I think my two little girls are more of an inspiration though. The compromise between what I love and what they love. Although sometimes we do manage to agree wholeheartedly. My girls are so girly, where as I'm still finding my inner girly. 

We are talking happiness this issue…a place…..dream…thought …dance …moment…a quiet place where you are merry..
Tell us a little about your happy place, real or imaginary?
Emily: My happy place is anywhere I can take a moment to close my eyes and take a deep breath. Its a moment of true inspiration.
Peta: I will tell you about my real one... I live in the country so happiness is my dreamy backyard filled with laughter, music, vege gardens, secret paths, cubby houses and a big dog named Mali. My wonderful family really know how to get silly with it and luckily enough we don't have to ever worry about noise. Our happiness is definitely not most prominent in quite moments... we sing it out to the hills. 

What makes you laugh?
Emily: I hate to admit it but me! I crack myself up all the time. Before you roll your eyes at me, I find anything funny. 
Peta: Comments from the innocent. Gosh children make me laugh... especially mine. They definitely get their funny from their dad. 

Share with us a few of your all time wishes?
Emily: I wish for a pet Bulldog called Rosie in a cute house by the sea. I wish for everyone in the world to love each other.
Peta: I wish to live by the ocean again. But a bigger wish is to travel aimlessly with my partner and my girls when they get older. I think it could be the only thing that has me giving up Mae as travelling aimlessly can't be done with the commitment of a small business. I wish that my girls understand and accept people from all kinds of backgrounds and cultures. They say you can't love anything that you don't understand and I agree wholeheartedly. 

Your happiest childhood memory?
Emily: Playing in my Grandmothers house. I would pick the roses and gardenias in her garden. She had the loveliest decore, I would always sit and admire. It still inspires me today.
Peta: We used to have a caravan down the south coast of NSW. I can't believe I used to think it was daggy. I would love to have a caravan like that know.. decorations included. Some of my happiest days were spent there. We would spend 6 weeks of the Christmas holidays just hanging out. I must admit I loved it even more when my friends and I used to drive down for the weekend. We used to get up to all kinds of trouble. 

Tell us what you love most about living and working around nature?
Emily: I love the inspiration it gives me. I love the rainbows I see over the open cane fields, the storms stuck on the mountains. It really is beautiful around here. 
Peta: The crazy wonderful people that come out of the hills. I truly love an individual. Of course we can't help but adore every living thing that shows themselves to us at the most unsuspecting times. yes snakes included!

Aside from Love Mae, what else are you crazy about?
Emily: Bulldogs! 
Peta: My other crazy love is old friends. I love it when friends drop by and stay a few days. Loads of food, drinks, music and plenty of noise.  Friendships I'm definitely crazy about. 

Lastly describe each other in 5 words.
Emily: I describe Peta as inspirational, determined, funny, loving and creative.
Peta: I would describe Emily as genuine, caring, creative, gorgeously young and slightly goofy in a really fun and funny way. Oops is that too many words???

Love Mae

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